Home > Really Sick

Really Sick

January 6th, 2009 at 02:36 pm

I am so sick. I will be going to the Dr. in one hour. I can't breathe, my nose is stuffed, I have a terrible burning cough and I am wheezing. I have a fever.

Started getting sick on Saturday and I thought by now I should be getting better but I am a lot worse. A lot.

I blame my husband for giving me this dreaded virus? or bacteria? I don't know, I think I may be developing a secondary infection which is bacterial in origin. But then again it might just be the flu. I might come home with an antibiotic but I am going to ask for Codeine/guaifenesin for this horrible burning cough.

I can't stand being sick!!! I have so many things I need to do around the house and I can hardly move other than to sit on this couch.

At least yesterday I could breathe through my mouth. Now that is hard because of my lungs.

Well, sorry for this rambling complaining post. I had to "get this off my chest." haha. terrible joke.

7 Responses to “Really Sick”

  1. kdmoffett25 Says:

    Get to feeling better!

  2. Blue Eyes Says:

    I hope you feel better soon!

  3. veronak Says:

    Sorry to hear that I hope you feel better soon

  4. Analise Says:

    Get well soon!

  5. Ima saver Says:

    hope you feel better real soon!

  6. North Georgia Gal Says:

    I know several people that have had this(or something similar). I am trying to avoid it at all costs. Hope you get to feeling better soon.

  7. Koppur Says:

    Oh, I hope you feel better soon!!

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