Home > Tragic day

Tragic day

December 1st, 2008 at 07:04 pm

In a few hours my oldest daughter and I will be attending a calling hours for an 18 year old girl that died on Thanksgiving in a car wreck. Actually, I am debating whether or not to go with C. as she is meeting other cheerleaders there. She is a cheerleader with the sister of the victim.

I am not close with the family and have only spoken with the mother a few times. My best friend died in a car accident when we were 16 and this brings that back. I don't know if I can go or not. I am afraid I will start crying.

My heart is breaking for this girls family. How devastating, horrible and unfair it is to lose your 18 year old daughter. I don't know if I could go on.

I told C. that this would be different than any other calling hours she had ever been to. She has only attended 2 that she remembers and these were for very old relatives. Not to say their deaths were not sad but they were in their eighties. It is different when it is an 18 year old. Just saying that makes me shake.

This isn't money related but it's consuming my thoughts this afternoon so I just needed to get it out.

8 Responses to “Tragic day”

  1. mom-sense Says:

    Sadness beyond words is all that I can think of right now. Prayers for the family. We should all love our families more and worry about money less.

  2. merch Says:

    Very sorry to hear that.

    My recommendation is to go to it. I would also sit with you daughter and tell her about your friend and how this death is bringing up those emotions. I would also share the fear and anxiety you feel.

    I would also look at this as a teaching moment. Everyone has fear and anxiety in their lives. The question is what we do.

    I am just writing what I feel I would do. There is no wrong answer. But I do feel you should do what is right which may be different then what I wrote. And I only ask, what would the ideal, perfect you do in this situation?

    Good luck.

  3. Analise Says:

    How very, very sad. My heart goes out to the family. I do not think I could bear such a loss.

    If you decide to go, don't worry about crying. You won't be the only one... the family needs all the love and support they can get.

  4. monkeymama Says:

    How sad indeed. Verry sorry to hear.

  5. MICLASON Says:

    So, so sad...
    While your daughter will be surrounded by friends, she might need you nearby...
    And, yes, about the old people who die...they lived full lives, and, to a certain extent we consider it "a law of life" that they will go before us... certainly noone expects young people to die... it happens every day, but it always takes us by surprise!

  6. swimgirl Says:

    So sorry to hear.

  7. SnoopyCool Says:

    Sorry to hear this.

  8. mom-from-missouri Says:

    It is never easy at any age, but it is harder when they are younger. Right now we know of a family who is loosing their beautiful 8 year old daughter.

    I lost several friends in highschool. All were senseless accidents, except for one illness. I too think of them whenever I hear of a teen in an accident.

    Your daughter may need you there with her. Also, it means a lot to the family to know that people do care enough to come pay their respects.

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