Home > Disorganized = Expensive

Disorganized = Expensive

December 2nd, 2008 at 09:33 pm

I had to admit that the last week or two I have been extremely disorgnized. Not with my money but with my house/car/belongings.

But everything sort of blends together doesn't it?

Because I never bothered organizing my coupons last weekend, I never made a shopping list, so I never went shopping for food except in those little quick spend too much trips...with the kids.

Now, it is Tuesday and I don't get paid until Friday and I have appx. $25 left for the rest of the week. This would be NO BIG DEAL but the husband is home so that means full out meals like his mommy used to cook him. (Excuse the sarcasm) But seriously! The girls and I could last all week without buying more food and we would not go hungry. But God forbid we actually use what we have in the house!

I had to get that out.

We have one jar of spaghetti sauce but no noodles so it looks like I will have to drive all the way to town for spaghetti noodles. Frustrating! He hasn't traveled in at least 2 weeks and it is starting to get to me. He is home ALL DAY LONG. Sits up there working in his office and just hearing him move sometimes makes me antsy.

I don't know why he is getting on my nerves so much but he is.

I'm edgy this week.

6 Responses to “Disorganized = Expensive”

  1. merch Says:

    Sorry to hear that about the husband.

    For the other stuff.. yea Disorganized = Expensive. Another way of saying it is: Plan the work and work the plan.

  2. Ms. Pearl Says:

    Thanks merch, we ended up having grilled cheese and beef vegetable soup from a can. Didn't have to go to town and we used what was in the house. Small victory.

  3. homebody Says:

    In my experience when I start to hate my husband and wonder why I married him, it usually means my monthly is coming soon.

  4. Koppur Says:

    You could always set the rule that whoever cooks decides what to have for dinner. If he wants a fancy dinner like mommy used to cook, he can cook it himself.

  5. fern Says:

    Well, if all you need are noodles, there's always that quant, old-fashioned thing people used to do: knock on their neighbor's door to borrow some.

    I've never done it, but gosh, it sure does sound quaint. Maybe that kind of thing actually happened during the Great Depression when it really was a big deal to drive around.

  6. whitestripe Says:

    i always cook Smile i don't mind really because i like to cook, and he works longer hours than me. but we've talked about when we have kids that he'll be learning that stuff lol. but he has gone shopping for me a few times at the market (it's on a sunday morning and sometimes i have a night out with the girls... a 6am start with crowds of people fighting over strawberries does not make my hangover go away very quickly!)

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