Home > Happy Money

Happy Money

December 3rd, 2008 at 08:53 pm

Yay! My insurance finally paid a $147 medical bill that I thought I needed to pay in full today. $147 more than I planned this month is a nice little cushion. I am just going to leave it in checking because we have a lot of bills this month between Christmas and paying for propane.

I get paid on Friday and it should include my extra money for working Thanksgiving. I have all my bills organized for this month so all I have to do is hit enter (internet) or write a check and pop it in the mail. I pay most of my bills online nowadays.

E. just called and is begging me to drive almost an hour so she doesn't have to ride the bus home from cheerleading at the basketball game. I do not want to do this but because I'm a sucker and feel guilty missing her game I'm going to go.

For supper we are having sloppy joes. Last night we ended up eating what we had in the house so I didn't need to go to town to buy spaghetti noodles! I was proud of DH for not complaining. We ended up having grilled cheese and soup from a can.

I officially have 45.00 left for the week in cash.(DH received 20.00 belated birthday money that he graciously applied to the household.) I spent 3.98 at Walmart at 2am last night for a chicken ceaser salad...tasy but expensive. I have almost a full tank of gas but now with driving far today and gymnastics tomorrow I will have to fill up as soon as I get paid on Friday...(most likely) I was trying to stretch that gas to last through the coming weekend but I don't think that will happen now!

I am also challenging myself to use what we have in the house the rest of the week and use as little of the 45.00 as possible. Tonight's supper is planned and all we need to do is get through tomorrow. I'm thinking omelets and pancakes for tomorrow.

I had been getting frustrated lately because it always seems I struggle to stretch my dollars, but then I realized I have not touched a credit card since the first week of September. That is three months of using CASH. In the three months I have seen my stress fall, my stomach aches have been way less frequent and I am sleeping better at night. (Or the day in my crazy night shift existence) Do we still struggle with debt? Absolutely. But having a plan makes such a difference.

Putting aside any modesty and self depracation, I am so proud of myself. This blog has helped in so many ways. It keeps me accountable and is a great venting tool. Thanks for listening all.

5 Responses to “Happy Money”

  1. lizajane Says:

    You should be proud! Congrats!

  2. scfr Says:

    Yes - You should be proud! And that was nice of your husband to contribute the b-day $ to the household.

  3. cptacek Says:

    That's a good feeling, isn't it? No CC since September! That's two months! I bet before you were using it weekly!

  4. Koppur Says:

    I'm very proud of you, too!! And pancake and egss sounds yummy for dinner! I love breakfast-for-dinner night. *smile*

  5. North Georgia Gal Says:

    That is awesome! You will be surprised how long "what you have" will last! I challenged myself to use what we had and it lasted almost 3 weeks before I had to go to the store(other than for milk).

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