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This is...

December 4th, 2008 at 11:31 pm

Thursday evening! Gotta work tonight and Friday and then I am off for two nights. Slept in 3 hour shifts today...two of them. Had to wake up at noon and take girls to Orthodontist. I have got to STOP scheduling appointments during my 4 day night shift stretch!! I don't know what is wrong with me!

Good news is that I only owe Mr. Metal Mouth $660. That means come March we are looking at an extra 200.00 per month to add to the unholy credit cards.

I can't wait for tomorrow night...C's first game against my alma mater. Should be fun.

I get paid tomorrow but get my paystub tonight when I go to work. I am hoping it has the extra Thanksgiving money on it!

DH is making pancakes and omelets...using what we have in the house. I have 1/4 tank gas left and that should be plenty to make it through Monday morning.

On Saturday afternoon when I wake from my slumber we will fetch our Christmas tree and do the whole tradition of decorating and dragging up the big plastic boxes of decorations from the basement. We are not putting up outside lights this year...I'm too cheap and DH is too lazy. I don't know, maybe we will tape a string around our front door. That's plenty easy and I can't imagine too taxing to the electric bill.

I'm going to waste some propane and take an exceptionally long, deep, hot bath tonight. Soak...

Spent appx. 16.00 today on cell phone charger, water and granola bar.

1 Responses to “This is...”

  1. Koppur Says:

    Have a good night at work!

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