Home > 2 steps forward, 1 step back

2 steps forward, 1 step back

December 7th, 2008 at 12:47 am

Is that how the saying goes?

I took a step back today. Our credit card debt is going to increase by 500.00 this month. DH needs new tires for the truck and it is going to cost appx. 900.00. We can only gather about 400.00 in cash because we have Christmas and propane to buy. We will probably use all our Christmas money from our families to apply to this debt. We usually get around 200.00. sigh...just when you think you are getting ahead of things...

We thought perhaps we could last until January or February but the tires are nearly bald. I think I have mentioned before we live on the top of a hill and it is STEEP. Without this truck I cannot get to work and back home if it snows hard. I also cannot get the girls to and from school. Love my little Toyota but it's not great in the snow! Tonight it is snowing hard. First major snow this year for our area.

We bought our live tree today. Spent 58.00. I had budgeted 50.00 so went 8.00 over. Spent 2.50 and 1.00 on a few lights and hooks. The tree looks lovely. I will try to post some pics. later.

We used multicolored lights and red lights. It is a very tall tree and I know we have over 1,000 little lights on it! We took the small strand of white lights and wrapped it directly around the trunk so it looks like it is glowing from the inside. At least half our ornaments are homemade/homemade gifts. The rest I have collected throughout the years. I always visit pier one right after Christmas because they have such pretty sparkly ornaments marked way low.

Still have a few gifts to buy for E. C. is done! Her uggs arrived yesterday and her (free) IPOD is on its way. It is purple! I want one! We are "adopting" two animals from WWF. For 25.00 you get an adoption certificate, a pic of the animal and a stuffed animal. I think C. and E. will like that.

FIL and BIL are over tonight watching the Cavs game and eating vegan spaghetti, garlic bread and salad. MIL made homemade caramel corn and I have stuffed my face with it!

Have a nice weekend everybody.

7 Responses to “2 steps forward, 1 step back”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    You are really doing well, even if you have to charge the tires. In the future, you will plan ahead for the tires. Do you have an emergency fund yet?

  2. North Georgia Gal Says:

    Don't get frustrated. You are doing so well! At least you have plan...and the tires aren't something that isn't a necessity. At least you don't have to charge all of it.

  3. reginaastralis Says:

    I thought for $50 you got the stuffed animal for WWF? I am going that route with my sister for her birthday (she'll be 11) and I know it is something she'll love. I didn't know they did this, until I was making a joke to my coworker about adopting a hippo for my stepgrandmother. She brought me in the entire catalog.

  4. Koppur Says:

    That stinks about the tires. But they are a priority for safety, if not for anything else. Post some pics of the tree; can't wait to see it! Smile

  5. frugaltexan75 Says:

    What is the website for the WWF? Is this the place you can buy part of a donkey, etc. for needy families? I'd seen something like this mentioned before, but lost the link to it.

  6. creditcardfree Says:

    frugaltexan, that is heifer international where you can buy an animal for a family. The animal then provides them a resource for food and income. Eggs from chickens, milk from a cow, ect.

  7. frugaltexan75 Says:

    Ahh .. thanks for the info.

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